Gelagkamer Function Room
An extra room in De Gouverneur for special functions
The Gelagkamer room (Gelagkamer is an old Dutch word for the dining room in a café) is located next to De Gouverneur. This part of De Gouverneur is open from Thursday to Sunday and on these days, the same menu is served here as in the beer tavern. The rest of the week, this is the place to come and have a few drinks, do a tasting, or throw a party with friends, family, your football team, colleagues, or anyone else that you want to have a great time with.

In addition to organizing your own parties, De Gouverneur also regularly hosts special events in the Gelagkamer. These events include live music by local artists or artists from further afield and special beer tastings. Keep an eye on our social media pages if you don’t want to miss any of our Gouverneur parties!